Monday, November 5, 2012

'Tis The Season!

   Yup! The holidays are rapidly approaching, and with it, that horrible christmas music. You know what I mean, all those dreadful songs that EVERY store starts playing as soon as November hits. The kind of music guaranteed to make you forget about the season of joy, and start thinking mayhem.
   However, consumers have taken a stand at one store in Canada, and forced them (at least for now) to quit playing the stuff! Shoppers Drug Mart stores got a backlash from customers who complained that it was far to early to have their ears deluged by that shit. And Shoppers gave in! Power to the people!
   That doesn't mean Shoppers has cut in out altogether (mores the pity), and will start hammering into peoples sanity in a few weeks. But it's a start. Now, if we could convince all major retailers not to play that stuff until December 1st, it would be a victory. But that ain't gonna happen. Sure as shootin' we'll be subjected to all those "classics". Probably on Black Friday no less.
   Oh, well. I'll just have to find some ear plugs I guess.
   'Nuff said.

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