Sunday, November 4, 2012

Did YOU Remember?

   Yup! This (Sunday) morning we all got an extra hour of sleep as we "fell back" to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. I remember vividly when the switch was made to Daylight Time when I was living in Alberta way back in 1971. And hating it! Yeah, sure. It's nice to get that extra hour of sleep in the fall, but we lose it in the spring when we have to set our clocks ahead an hour. Sure, we got an extra hour of sun in the evening, but when you're a kid with a set bed-time it really doesn't matter. Aside from the fact that you can't sleep 'cause it's still light out.
   Of course, there are a few places in North America where they don't touch their clocks. Saskatchewan, parts of Quebec, B.C and almost all of Arizona have not yet got with the times. I don't know why, aside from Saskatchewan, who can't decide whether or not to follow Manitoba or Alberta. And the big debate is where do they draw the line? the 105th bisects the province, and that's where the natural line would go.
   That, and something about the cows not being milked or fed at the right time.
   Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep and remembered to change your clock! If not, do it before you go to bed tonight. You don't wanna be in to work an hour early Monday!
   'Nuff said.

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