Monday, November 19, 2012

A Twinkie Update!

   So, it seems the Twinkie, Ho-Ho, Ding Dong and Wonderbread aren't quite dead after all. Hostess Brands was in bankruptcy court Monday, but already here were prospective buyers for some of their more storied brands, including the Twinkie.
   Hostess could well sell of those brands to appease creditors, and who wouldn't want them? Twinkies alone is a 68 million dollar money maker so far this year alone, so I guess I was a little premature in forecasting the demise of the creme filled cake. But I also stand by my decision to try and stock up on them. Any sale would need shareholder approval, and it's not known just yet if the sale would include the plants that went under last week. Then there's the little matter of  staff. Hopefully, any new owner would re-hire as many of the 18 thousand or so workers laid off.
   And then there's still the matter of getting back in production. That could well take weeks, so we could be looking at sometime in 2013 before they're back on the shelves.
   It's a good thing they have a shelf life almost as long as the pyramids!
   'Nuff said.

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