Monday, December 3, 2012

Leave Them Alone!!!

   So, the speculation has ended. There will be the pitter-patter of royal feet in Britain next year, as Buckingham Palace has confirmed Kate is preggers. And apparently, she hasn't had an easy time so far. She's in hospital suffering a severe symptom of morning sickness.
   There's been no word when the baby is due, and.....since she's in the very early word what flavour the child will be. Not that it matters anymore anyway. The rules governing the line of succession have been changed to reflect "modern" times. It means it won't matter if it's a boy or a girl, the baby will be 3rd in line to the throne. In the past, the male child had preference, regardless of birth order.
   And whatever it is, I hope it's healthy.
   Now, to address the the title of this post, "Leave Them Alone!!!" I'm sure the paparazzi will be several rows deep straining and craning to be the first to get a photo of the Royal Baby Bump. I hope they all fall to their doom. First off, the big news has been broken, and the next big news will be the birth. In between I don't care how many pickle, sardine, marmalade and ice ream sandwiches she eats. Nor do I really care how much weight she puts on. So long as it's not a Jessica Simpson gain. But, no. We're going to be inundated with endless photos of pregnant Kate getting into a car. Pregnant Kate getting out of a car. Pregnant Kate walking through a door. Pregnant Kate cradling her "baby bump".  A term I have come to loath by the way. Then, of course, pregnant Kate entering the hospital. And Kate coming out of the hospital with the baby.
   I don't have anything against the couple, but we're going to be Kate'd to death.
   So, here's what the Royal household should do. Issue an "official" photo or 2 of Will and Kate during her pregnancy, and one or 2 of the happy couple after the baby's born. Before Kate leaves the hospital. And release them to "trusted" and traditional media sources, hopefully spiking the slimearazzi before they get a chance to publish anything.
   Not that that's going to stop them. They'll be out there with their super long range telephoto lenses, trying to be the "first" with a picture. Maybe we should give Will a sniper rifle with a super long telescopic sight to shoot back!
   'Nuff said.

*****UPDATED Tuesday, December 4: It was just what I feared would happen. Every single news channel I tuned into, T.V and radio, was Kate's Baby Bump this, Kate's Baby Bump that. And I also fear it'll be more of the same tomorrow, and the day after etc, etc, etc. O-kay. She's pregnant. But isn't it time the media moved on to some REAL news? The "fiscal cliff" in the States? The ongoing war against terror? Please. Anything but Kate's Baby Bump!!!

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