Wednesday, November 28, 2012

She's Boned

   A woman in Sweden certainly is. The unidentified 37 year old has pleaded not guilty to having sex with a dis-articulated human skeleton! Well, one full skeleton. Several other skulls and bones were found in her dwelling as well. A video on one of the news sites I check on regularly shows the woman apparently caressing the skeleton. Well, more than caress, actually. In one blurred out shot you see the cranium being cradled in a certain part of the anatomy. It's not clear if it's her mommy bags or the "lady region", but she is getting skulled. Then again, she may have just been giving it a kiss.
   If that's not bad enough, there are photos taken of "skinny" cuddling with a stuffed toy panda, and what appears to be zip-tie handcuffs. The kind police use in riots. I don't know why she'd need them. It's not like lover boy (or girl) was going to go anywhere soon. And they couldn't have been for her, either, since old bony sure can't put them on her and tighten them.
   Now, I could make a lot of tasteless sexually suggestive jokes. But I won't. Sorry.
   'Nuff said.

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