Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Building A Cheaper Beer

   Apparently, science is getting close. It seems some brainiac has sequenced most of the barley genome, which (apparently), is longer than the human genome. Go figure. Anyway, about 2/3 of the genome has now been mapped, and the rest won't be far behind.
   From what my limited knowledge of gene sequencing has been able to figure out from the article I read, what it means is plant breeders will now have more control over the barley when it comes to developing different varieties.
   So, how does this relate to cheaper beer? Well, it seems the research could lead to better disease resistance and environmental tolerance for the crop. Thus, lower input costs, thus cheaper beer. But don't look for a price reduction in your favourite brand just yet.. On no. It takes years for research, more years for developing and testing, more years to "fine tune" the crop and THEN get it into farmers hands to grow it.
   Damn! All this talk about beer's making me thirsty for one. Maybe an Armageddon! (See the October 18 entry on that.)
   'Nuff said.

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