Thursday, November 8, 2012

PeTA Strikes Again!

   And this time, below the belt. I don't know if you've seen the latest ad from the Persistent Eco Terrorist Assholes or not, but it's causing quite a stir. If you haven't, go to You Tube and search "PETA: Stay Firm and Fresh". Basically, it's suggesting to men that you have more stamina and a bigger....ah...."zucchini" if you go vegan.
   And to prove the point, they have a bunch of men jumping around displaying their massive cucumbers, banana's and other fresh fruit dangling from their pant crotches. When will these shitheads ever learn? I mean they came out with the ridiculous "turkey-dog" ad campaign ahead of Canadian Thanksgiving (see my post of September 28). And now this!
   What next? Anatomically accurate  fruit and/or vegetables of female genitalia? Obviously, the eco-tards at PeTA don't get it. No one is buying the bullshit messages. No one gives a great goddamn about you or your idiotic stunts. Speaking of which, winter's coming. And i guess that means these fools will be out on the street (almost) naked in sub-zero conditions. I just hope someone locks their warm-up van or whatever. That stores don't let them in. And maybe even people to douse them with water to speed the cooling process. Oh, yeah, Then offer them a nice fur coat! I wonder how many of them would climb into one or freeze to death.
   But I digress. Getting back to the "fresh fruit" ad, I think I'll keep my spicy salami all meat thanks. There might be a few women out there who don't mind slipping in a carrot now and then, but most like meat!
   And PeTA to me still means People Eating Tasty Animals!
   'Nuff said.

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