Thursday, November 29, 2012

More Celebretards

   And we'll start with the Mean Girl herself. Lindsay Lohan got arrested....again. This time it was in NYC after she (allegedly) punched another woman in the face at a nightclub. LiLo was booked for assault, issued a desk ticket and released. Apparently, it all started when Lindsay and the other woman started exchanging words and sort of escalated. Let the train wreck continue.
   Another "celebrity" back in the headlines is Jessica Simpson. She's preggers again, just months after dropping her first kid. She still hasn't lost all the baby fat she packed on either. I wonder 1: How much she'll balloon out this time (Jabba the Hut size maybe?) and 2: What this is going to do to her endorsing weight watchers. I guess she'll be watching the weight go back on. Something tells me she's never gonna fit into those Daisy Duke's again.
   And finally, Justin Bieber. Seem's his reception at the 100th Grey Cup game (see my blog of November 26th) where he was booed several times has stung. He's not allowing music reviewers and/or critics into any more of his shows after supposedly lip-synching during Sunday's performance. Simple solution to that. Reviewer/critic gets a ticket, attends and STILL write it up the next day. Give me the "Good Olde Days" when bands and musicians actually cared more about their performance, than their image, back when their music was what people came for. Bands like the Beatles, Cream, Zeppelin, Queen, the Stones etc, etc, etc. The quicker the little shit Bieber fades into obscurity, the better.
  'Nuff said.....for now.

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