Monday, November 26, 2012

What An Embarrassement

   What I'm talking about was the so-called "entertainment" during Sunday's Grey Cup game. It was the 100th anniversary of the CFL's Championship game, so you'd hope and expect to have a top-notch halftime show.
   No. Instead we got Gordon Lightfoot, Justin Bieber, Marianas Trench and Carley Rae Jepsen. Holy shit! If that's the "best" of Canadian entertainment, maybe organizers of next year's Grey Cup should just skip it. Did Lightfoot REALLY need to sing the "Canadian Railroad Trilogy"? Admittedly, he's a musical icon of sorts here, but sheesh! About the only benefit of having him on was to put the crowd to sleep so they didn't have to hear the rest of the concert.
   Marianas Trench.....well, it's not my kind of music, but they did o-kay. Making them the highlight of the night. Carley Rae Jepsen was a 3rd place finisher on Canadian Idol. Need I say more?
   At least that little twerp Justin Bieber got the crowd worked up. They were booing him, but he at least got them worked up. If fact, they started booing when a picture of him and Jepsen was flashed on the big screen. If memory serves, they even booed him when he said it was an honor to be at the Grey Cup. And what's with the crotch grabbing anyway? Who d'you think you are, Michael Jackson? Well, at least HE had some talent. What was he checking to find out? If his stash was in the right place, or to see if he a). GREW something or b). see if his balls dropped.
   All in all, it was a night to forget. And if any American's were watching....I'm sorry. While we're at it,, maybe we should take a page from the Superbowl halftime shows in the past and get some REAL talent. Something like Janet Jackson's infamous "nipplegate" back in 2004 when her top got ripped off by Justin Timberlake.
   Shit! Have Gordon Lightfoot rip Anne Murray's top off. It might be gross, but it's better than the crap we were subjected to Sunday. And for organizers of the 2013 Cup in Regina.....please PLEASE try and find some talent. Canadian if you have to. Anything's better that what we were forced to watch. Well, almost anything.
   'Nuff said.
   Oh, yeah. The Toronto Argonauts beat the Calgary Stampeders 35-22. The game kinda got lost amid the cesspool that was halftime.

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