Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Do YOU Spell Hypocrite?..UPDATED

   In this case, Angus T. Jones. He's the 1/2 in that former hit show 2 1/2 Men. It seems Jake Harper (the character he plays) has found "religion" and is now asking fans to quit watching what he calls "That filth". In a rambling 14 minute You Tube clip, Angus basically says he doesn't want to be part of the show anymore, and is asking fans to "stop watching it and quit filling your head with filth". Apparently, he's joined something called the voice of prophecy 7th day adventist church. Whatever.
   Angus, watch your wallet and hope your parents have control of your finances. He's made a TON from the show he now wants people not to watch (as if that's difficult with Ashton Kutcher), and will probably turn it all over to this "church". Which will leave him pretty much broke. And when the money train finally does run off the track, how long before this "church" abandons him? By the way, he makes $350 grand an episode. You do the math.
   As for his future on the show.....well, really who the fuck even cares. He hasn't quit, and he hasn't been fired. Yet. Although I'm sure him slagging off his (and his parents) meal ticket will end up seeing his mysterious departure in a not too distant episode.
   As for 2 1/2 men..I can't watch it for more than 2 1/2 seconds since Sheen melted down and departed.
   'Nuff said.
   ******UPDATE: So, it seems a day after this hit the web, Angus has backed down a bit. Now the 19 year old is saying "I'm Sorry" for dissing the show. Did he finally wake up and tune into Sanity F.M and realize just what he was throwing away? Or did this "pastor" gently remind him that by continuing to work on the show, he could give (sorry...DONATE) more monry to him? I'm guessing some from column "A", and some from column "B".

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