Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

   It's a little hard to believe that it's been a year since SEAL Team 6 took out this trash. But it is. It was May 2, 2011 the Navy SEALS stormed Osama's hiding mansion in Pakistan and killed the fucker. Ironically, or maybe purposefully, the U.S released a story saying a "depressed" bin Laden thought about changing the name of his terror organization from Al-Qaida. But to what, no one is saying. The report goes on to say Osama worried about recruiting terrorist talent as U.S. strikes killed some of his veterans. I guess the talent pool for terrorists was getting shallow.
   Not only was he supposedly looking for a name change for his gang of thugs, but for himself as well. It's also said he agreed that a large portion of Muslims around the world had lost their trust in his 'organization'. Not surprising when you consider these assholes were killing Muslims along with their so-called "enemy".
   I guess there will still be a few nut cases out there who will miss Osama. Fortunately, members of SEAL Team 6 did not. Bang-Bang, they shot him down.
   So, Happy Anniversary Osama bin-Laden! I hope you enjoy being fish shit at the bottom of the sea. If that's where your stinking corpse was dumped. I still wonder if the U.S didn't bring the dead bastard home with them, instead of burying him at sea. Pickled in alcohol.
   'Nuff said.

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