Friday, May 11, 2012

Umm..Isn't He A Little Old?

   Maybe you've seen this. The cover of the recent Time magazine shows a woman breastfeeding her child. She has a top on, but the kid is latched to her left tit. Not normally something you see on a magazine cover, but not something you'd think people would be concerned about. Until you realize the "child" in question is far from a babe in arms. In fact, the brat is almost 4 years old. 4 years old!! Call me crazy (quite a few people have), but should a kid still be on the tit at 4? You'd think the kid would need to be weaned by then. But no. There he is, standing on a chair, happily tugging away at mom's fun bag.
   Both mom and "tot" are looking at the camera, and the expression on mom's face is almost one of "what the fuck are YOU looking at"? The caption under the photo is "Are You Mom Enough?" Mom in this case is 26 year old Jamie Grumet, son Aram is coming up 4 soon. Was it the pose that set people off with both standing and glaring into the camera? Or was it the fact the kid's 4 years old! He should not either need to be breastfed or be allowed to do so at that age. The only thing the kid should be sucking on is a sippy cup. One NOT attached to mom. It raises a couple of questions, the first being what psychological impact is this going to have on the little bugger? I mean, the physical attachment is bad enough, but what about the possibilty this, to many, abnormal behaviour is going to scar the kid in the future. And second, what's going to happen when he grows up? Is he going to be a breast man? Or is it something he'll finally be weaned off of? And shouldn't Jamie's titty taps have turned off by now? Shouldn't she be dry?
   And what about mom, anyway. Is she going to be doing this until the kid hits 25? IT'S TIME TO CUT THE FUCKING CORD DEAR.
   'Nuff said.

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