Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another Texting Ban

   Arkansas and New York are thinking about a new ban on people texting. Quite a few U.S States, Canadian provinces and other countries already ban texting while driving. Some go even further, banning the use of hand held electronic devices while behind the wheel. So what's the big deal? The big deal is both those States want to ban people from texting while walking. Why? It's simple really. Too many people are happily ambling along, fixated on their favorite hand held device, and are not paying attention to the world around them.
   Some of these people have walked into closed doors. Some have walked off staircases without even realizing it was there. Shit, a while back I blogged about a woman who walked off a fucking pier, straight into one of he Great Lakes. I've had my near misses from people who've walked around corners, head down, so intent on what was on that little screen they've nearly smacked into me!
   And then there are people who are engrossed to the point they walk out into traffic. Sometimes with painful, or even fatal, results. Lawmakers are also thinking about banning ear-buds for i-pods etc, as people out for a run or stroll are also susceptible to being splattered.
   In fact, 3 people in Canada were smacked by freight trains when they couldn't hear the horn 'cause their music was too loud.
   The main problem is enforcement. How in 7 shades of Hades are cops going to monitor this? I'm sure they've got better things to do than be on the lookout for people texting or listening to music. Important things like solving crime. Or making a donut run. Another problem is lawsuits, which I'm almost certain there would be plenty of if such a ban was enacted.
   And the 3rd problem would be for people like me who keep a running tab on idiots who self select themselves out of the gene pool by doing idiotic stuff like texting or listening to music on ear buds while driving or walking.
   Who the fuck would I make fun of if it stopped? So, lawmakers, I implore you. Re-think this new ban so bloggers like me can have a little fun at others expense.
   'Nuff said.

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