Monday, May 28, 2012

The Butler Did It!

   That's a staple crime-solve of mystery writers around the world when someone gets killed off in the first page or chapter of the story, leading to the master sleuth's inevitable conclusion. Not to mention that popular board game Clue. The butler. In the library. With a candle stick.
   In this case, it seems, the butler really DID do it. And it spells more trouble for the already mired in trouble vatican. We're talking about pope Benny's personal butler turning out to be the leak of 'sensitive' documents from Rome.
   The butler was busted 3 days ago, and is apparently co-operating with police. Singing like a canary if you will. And one of those tunes may have a much darker side. It's been hinted that a high ranking Italian cardinal (the clergy, not the bird) was behind a power struggle involving leaked documents, corruption and intrigue. And the Italian police say it's clear the butler did not act alone in feeding the media those documents.
   This is on top of the firing of the vatican bank president AND publication of a new book detailing a conspiracy among cardinals.
   A vatican investigation (yeah, I trust THAT..not) is what nailed the butler, who reportedly kept a treasure trove of documents in his room, and that his arrest has thrown the holy see into chaos! No shit! But are we really that surprised? I've been blogging about this for weeks, if not months amid these reports. One went as far as saying there was a plot to bump off Benny, who was described as out of touch and isolated.
   So, maybe in this case it IS the butler. In the Sistine chapel. With a file folder. Ah, well. The more the merrier. Lets hope the hits just keep on coming!
   'Nuff said.

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