Friday, May 4, 2012

She's Gonna Do It!

   She is indeed. Broke, staring a foreclosure on her house in the face and with child welfare services keeping an eye on her 14 kids, Nadya "Octomom" Suleman is going to make a porn. Celebrity website TMZ reports she will be, pardon the poor alliteration, doing a solo. No penis pole riding, no skin flute playing, no game of hide the trouser snake. Just her. Alone (well, with the 'film' crew there) with her octopussy. An organ solo, if you will.
   There was no word if there would be any "props", so we'll have to wait and see if she takes plastic or not. TMZ also reports she'll be paid quite a bit more than the 10 grand she got for going topless in a British magazine. But not how much more. They also say she doesn't consider it porn, because it's just her doing, well, herself.
   As for the money she get's paid for this.....Well, lets just say that however much it is, the company in question would have to pay me hell of a lot more to watch.
   'Nuff said.

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