Saturday, May 19, 2012

Get Back To Class..A Rant (New Info)

   So, in Quebec the spineless government FINALLY grew a backbone and legislated an end to 14 weeks of student protests. The students were pissed about tuition hikes at colleges and universities, and took to the streets of several cities, including  Montreal, clashing with police and in some cases damaging property. Many while wearing masks. And the rabble were at it again this weekend, with 69 arrests. The Quebec National Assembly's new law calls for heavy fines for students and their federations, and strict regulations governing demonstrations. And after 14 weeks, who can blame them?
   Needless to say, this has thrown fuel onto the fire in the minds of students, some of who are saying "you ain't seen nothing yet". One student union group went as far as saying it's a declaration of war against them. Boo-fucking-Hoo.
   Sure, it sucks balls to have your expenses rise, and having to pay off loans far in to the future. But, hey! It's happening to an awful lot of people. My mortgage runs for quite a few more years. Renovations to my place don't come thanks to the government. My car loan isn't interest free. My taxes are always going up. But I'm not whining, bitching and causing problems on the street. For that matter, I'm not overly happy that my tax dollars might go to helping some punk ass university student who doesn't go to class 'cause he/she's busy protesting tuition hikes. Sorta sounds like those occupy assholes from last year, complaining about how unfair life is treating them while they text on their android or i-phones while sucking back $8.00 Starbucks living in $300.00 tents in PUBLIC PARKS.
   And now, Ontario students say they will 'strike' this fall to show solidarity with their counterparts in Quebec. Go ahead. But if you do, here's what should happen to you. Any and all funding should be cut. You should lose credit for any and all classes you miss. And if you continue, any and all degrees should be voided, and outstanding student loans collected IN FULL.
   There are a lot of people who want to get an education, and are willing to pay for it. And before you think I'm pro-government on this, think again. Governments NEED to look at funding to make sure they play a role in education, while also juggling health care, infrastructure etc. There are only so many taxpayers out there, and ALL levels of government need to review how taxes are collected, and how they're spent. And if it means a hike in tuition fees, then so be it. Even though the fees will go up 70% over the next 5 years. Shit. They'll only be paying 38 hundred A YEAR. That's a fuck of a lot cheaper than a lot of universities across Canada, let alone places in the States or other parts of the world. Go try rioting and causing property damage in China or North Korea and see how far you get.
   And to the students: If you put as much effort into getting your certificate or degree as you put into complaining, you'd get through the program a lot quicker. Now haul your asses back to your classes and prove you're not all a bunch of whiny little turds.
   'Nuff said

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