Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Try This At Home

   Really. Seriously. Don't. Ever! I was surfing the 'net today and came across a video on Yahoo called "Babies thrown off roof in bizarre tradition". I had to watch. Once I got over my "what-the-fuck-was-that" moment, I watched it again. And again. And just to make sure what I thought I saw was what I actually saw, I watched AGAIN. And I saw babies being tossed off a roof into a blanket being held by several men below.
   Not being able to leave well enough alone, I Googled it and got an even clearer video of this "tradition". And sure enough, Hindu priests were throwing babies off the roof. Of a temple. It had to be fucking near 20 feet high! So, I started wondering what happens if one of the kids doesn't land on his back? At the very least, we're talking some kind of whiplash. Possibly a permanent brain injury. Maybe even death
   The next logical question is why? Why allow your little bundle of joy to be pitched off the top of a temple? The answer: It will make them grow stronger. I guess that might be true. Isn't there an old saying that anything that doesn't kill can only make you stronger?
   Can you imagine what would happen if people tried this "tradition" in North America? I can almost see it unfold between a man and his wife.
   She: Honey, why are you taking the kids to the attic? And where the hell is my best tablecloth? He: Well dear, I'm just trying to make our kids stronger. She (now getting concerned): And just how do you plan on doing that? He: I'm going to toss them off the roof. But don't worry honey. Frank, Bill Jerry and Stan will catch them in the tablecloth. It'll be fine. She (now in a full frontal maternal instinct fit of rage):..........
   ..........Flashes forward several months and is heard telling the jury at her trial "And that's when I decided to kill him". Judge: Case dismissed.
   'Nuff said.

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