Wednesday, May 9, 2012


   It seems I was royally pawned, or owned if you prefer. Back on May 1st, I blogged about a jilted female dentist in Poland who, in an act of extreme revenge, took all the teeth from the mouth of a sedated boyfriend who threw her over for another woman. The supreme idiot supposedly went back to his dentist ex for dental surgery.
   The story is FALSE. In fact, Polish police say they are not investigating any such case, and the country's dental association isn't investigating one either. And the association also goes on to say the woman in question, Anna Machowiak, isn't even on their register!
   Even more! Polish media deny reporting any such story, except the foreign coverage of what they say was a prank. A British newspaper supposedly had the story, but even the writer claims to not know where it originated.
   So I, like so many others, was sucked in by this tale of dental horror.
   Lesson learned: Don't believe everything you see on the Internet. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to see about that sighting of Elvis riding the Loch Ness monster through the Panama canal.
   'Nuff said.

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