Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There's Stupid, Then There's This

   In northern New York state, a 24 year old man is in hospital recovering from a gunshot wound in his right leg. Was he some kind of Gansta hip-hop 'artist'?. No. Was he a Mafia target? No. Was this a hunting accident? No. Angry spouse? No.
   Our hero is recovering after, get ready for it, he ASKED a buddy to shoot him in the leg! Apparently, he pestered his 25 year old friend to do it. And pestered. And pestered. Until the guy finally relented and put a .22 in his leg. The friend now faces charges.
   Buddy's just lucky he's still alive, and be able to walk. A .22 might not sound like much, but if you sever a nerve, you may not be able to use the leg again. And if he hit the femoral artery (the MAIN blood vessel running through the the leg), our hero might have ended up a zero.
   Oh, yeah. The reason our pal was after his buddy to pull the trigger was simple. He wanted to know what it felt like to be shot! I guess he knows now that it ain't all that much fun.
   'Nuff said.

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