Saturday, October 26, 2013

Say It Ain't So!

   For McDonalds. there are other kinds. After 40 years or partnership, Rotten Ronnies is looking for a replacement for Heinz Ketchup. But why? Why is McD's giving one of the world's most popular condiments the heave-ho?.
   It's not over cost, and there's been no production and/or distribution snafu. It's to do with the new CEO at Heinz. What.....did the guy used to be CEO of Burger King or something? Actually.....yeah. He was. But it likely won't even be noticed in North America. McD's only has 2 areas serving Heinz. Pittsburgh and Minneapolis. The rest have stuff labelled "fancy ketchup".
   Heinz loss will, of course, mean a big gain for whoever is chosen as a replacement (most likely Hunts). Rotten Ronnies has 34 thousand places across the globe, and it's the overseas market that could be impacted most.
   Since I think the food (if you can call it that) at McD's shouldn't even be served to animals, let alone humans without a generous slathering of Heinz to either kill or mask the taste, my personal boycott of the Golden Arches will continue.
   'Nuff said.

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