Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Sunday Jumble

   There hasn't been a single item to pique my interest today, so I'm just going to throw some random shit together.
   And what better place to start than Regina, Saskatchewan (the city who's name rhymes with "fun"). It seems 2 Nigerian students who had been holed up in several churches seeking "sanctuary" for the past year have finally left the country. Voluntarily, it should be said, even though the Feds ordered them deported in 2012. Were they terrorists? No. Were they in the country illegally? No. In fact they were students at the university. Why kick them out? Because they both worked for 2 weeks at a local Walmart. Which was not allowed under he terms of their student visas. Which they should have read more closely before taking jobs. Should Walmart have asked if working contravened their visa? No, I don't think whoever did the hiring should have. They were responsible for their actions. And as far as claiming "sanctuary" should be outlawed for anyone not facing imminent death on deportation.

   Moving on: It's been over 100 years since the Titanic sank, killing hundreds and hundreds of people. But still, the fascination with the ship any anything connected to it continues. And so it was this weekend when the violin owned by Wallace Hartley sold for 1.5 million dollars. Hartley was the band leader on the ill-fated ship. He, and all the other musicians drowned in the tragedy. His body was found, with the violin, still in it's case, strapped to his body. It can never be played, and hopefully the buyer will give it a good home.

   Moving on: Italian automaker Lamborghini has built 9 new cars. To go along with the original 4 they produced. It's called the Veneno,
  And if you can get one of the roadsters, it'll set you back 5.3 million. I just hope Nicki Minaj is barred from buying one after the paint job she gave an Aventador (see my blog "You A Stupid Hoe" of Oct 18).
   Hopefully when I get back from my work location next weekend, I'll have something more substantive. Have a great week!
   'Nuff said.

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