Friday, October 11, 2013

Why Is This Man Still Free?

   The man in question is 48 year old Michael Sean Stanley, a high risk, violent sex offender who cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet in Lloydminster, Alberta back on October 1st. There were several reported, but unconfirmed, sightings of this guy in Saskatchewan, and his vehicle was later found in Lethbridge Alberta.
   It seems he made his way back to Edmonton, where he'd been living, then buggered off to B.C, where he crossed the border to the U.S. American authorities know where he is, but have yet (at the time of this writing) to arrest him, even though he's got a criminal record there.
   And now, the rant:
   A big "thank you" to Canada's Criminal Justice system for releasing this shit stain in the first place. Apparently, it was a mandatory release because "he'd done his time". In this case, a stunning 32 whole months for assault and forcible confinement. But his history goes back to 1987, and includes taking kids from playgrounds and sexually assaulting them. With that history, you'd think he be the last candidate for release. Mandatory or other.
   This is the kind of person who should never see the light of day, and who probably should have been put to death. Instead, he gets mandatory release. I just wonder how many months he'll get after this. Hopefully a lot more than 32.
   And where were the American authorities? How did this sick fuck get across the border with Washington State to begin with? U.S police have been notified about him, but so far no advisory or alert has been given to the public.
   I just hope when he's caught, and he will be, that he gets a very long stretch in a maximum security prison. And is put in with the general prison population. Maybe then he'll get the justice he deserves.
   'Nuff said.

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