Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Canada

   It is Thanksgiving Monday, a time when families get together for the communal meal. Turkey, done to perfection, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing etc, etc, etc.
   Quite a few of us will simply eat way too much, and end up on the couch, top button on the pants undone, moaning and groaning because quite simply, we turn into gluttons at this time of year.
   Then. there's the leftover turkey from that 25 to 40 pound bird. Hot turkey and gravy tomorrow. Turkey sandwiches all week. Turkey a la King, and if there's anything left, turkey soup. Probably enough to keep a lot of households going until Christmas.
   And let's not forget desert! A Thanksgiving Dinner's not complete without desert. Apple pie, apple crumble, apple cobbler and, of course, the perennial favorite, pumpkin pie.
   But just keep in mind when you're sticking your fork into it that this is how pumpkin pies are made:
   Happy Thanksgiving anyway!
   'Nuff said.

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