Friday, October 11, 2013

To Quote Monty Python: "I'm Not Quite Dead Yet"

   So says a 61 year old Ohio man. Donald Miller Jr. is trying to have the court declare him un-dead, so to speak. And not as a vampire or zombie. Mr. Miller was declared legally dead several years ago after he vanished in 1986.
   Seems he was a recovering alcoholic who fucked off, leaving a wife, kids and 25 grand in unpaid child payments behind him. The State declared him legally dead in 1994, and started paying his benefits, while Miller was living in Florida. He moved to Georgia, before returning to Ohio, and trying to get back into the land of the living.
   Miller walked into court Monday, asking to be declared "living", but the judge told him he'd missed the 3 year deadline to have a death ruling overturned. How he managed to "live" several years after being declared "dead" wasn't mentioned.
   For now, he'll have to stay in the afterlife.
   'Nuff said.

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