Friday, October 4, 2013

As Much Fun As Watching Paint Dry (Maybe Less)

   In Norway, the state television network will show, live, an attempt to break the world record for knitting. I ain't kidding. NRK will televise 5 hours of knitting, as they try and beat the old mark of 4 hours 50 minutes set by Australia. And if that's not bad enough, there's going to be a 4 hour pre-game show of sorts, with a documentary on how wool goes from a sheep's back to a sweater. Oh my fucking god!
   This isn't the first time NRK has broadcast such riveting entertainment either. They went live 5 days a week chronicling a voyage of a coastal cruise ship, Nordnorge. That was continuous coverage. I did see the one hour cut down version of that, and it looks like one hell of a great trip to take sometime. But live coverage?!?
   And if that's not enough, the public broadcaster also aired live footage of a fire dying down to embers. Hold me back! I know they have a lot of American shows on their TV (not dubbed into Norwegian either, but subtitled), but you'd think if they were trying to attract anyone who's not a die-hard knitting fan to watch, they'd showcase something else.
   I should call my local provider to see of we can get NRK for this epic. I'll DVR it, and play it when I have chronic insomnia.
   'Nuff said.

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