Friday, October 25, 2013

This Will Not Come As A Surprise

   Michael Sean Stanley has been arrested in Seattle. And for (allegedly) trying to sexually assault a 16 year old boy. It seems the pervert who fled Canada at the start of this month bought some booze, took the youth into an alley, plied him with liquor and tried (allegedly) to assault him. The young man had a knife, and managed to escape. It's just a fucking shame he didn't stick the shiv in him
   It was just last week was asking the question why he is still free? I guess I have my answer. He isn't any more. Unless he was released. It was also last week I blogged about Stanley speaking to the media down there, saying he left Canada because "it hasn't been good to me. All they've been doing is belittle me, shafting me, making me look like I'm some kind of menace, some creep, some pedophile, some kind of guy that didn't deserve to be out in the community."
   I guess Canadian authorities and Canada was right, huh? He also claimed he fled to the States to "start over". I guess he (allegedly) tried to start over with the 16 year old boy. I just hope this shit stain, this filthy piece of distended rectum gets some good old fashioned American Justice when, sorry, if, he's found guilty.
   A leopard can't change his spots, and a pedo is still a pedo.
   'Nuff said.

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