Saturday, October 19, 2013

Why Is This Man Still Free..UPDATE

(Photo from RCMP)

   Last week, I asked the question why convicted, violent, high risk sex offender Michael Sean Stanley is free. This week, I found out he's still going to be free, in Seattle, Washington. And unless he commits an offence in the States, he's likely going to remain free. Because Canadian authorities aren't seeking extradition. Even after he cut off his electronic monitoring bracelet, and threw it away. Which should have violated his parole conditions and. given his history, meant extradition should be pursued.
   And it seems he's now talking to U.S media, saying he wants to start over. In an interview with a Seattle TV station, he's quoted as saying  "I had enough. I'm leaving this country because it hasn't been good to me. All they've been doing is belittle me, shafting me, making me look like I'm some kind of menace, some creep, some pedophile, some kind of guy that didn't deserve to be out in the community." I wonder if that's got anything to do with sexually assaulting mentally challenged boys and an elderly woman? Those are among the crimes he's been CONVICTED of.
   He also denied doing the crimes, and  did as ordered, and registered as an offender in that state, adding he does not intend to commit any crime. As for him turning over a "new leaf", parole officials say he did NOT take part in any programs designed to reduce his risk to reoffend, and has never admitted responsibility.
   I just hope for the sake of the kids in the city of Seattle this guy actually means it. But since most (not all, but most) such offenders re-offend, I wouldn't be surprised if he's arrested there in the next few months to a year.
   'Nuff said.

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