Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life's A Bitch

   That's what one Saskatoon, Saskatchewan man found out the hard way recently. Seems our 20 year old idiot was hurt by a pipe-bomb. I guess I should point out now that he was building it in his basement when it went off.
   Why was he building a pipe-bomb? Cops in the so-called Bridge City haven't said yet, but our hero ended up with hand injuries. Oh, yeah. The brainiac had a buddy with him when the thing went ka-BOOM. He was less seriously hurt.

   In other explosive news: It seems a man in New York was also seriously hurt in a blast when his toilet exploded. Well, not an actual ka-BOOM, like the guy above, but enough to leave him with serious injuries as well. Seems there was some maintenance going, and water had to be turned off. When he hit the switch, he was launched backwards by a sudden inrush of water, and knocked out, also suffering cuts from shrapnel from the shattered bowl.
   It seems the guy's so gun-shy of his own shitter, he's tied a rope to the flusher, and trips it from behind a door!
   He's suing.
   'Nuff said.

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