Saturday, October 19, 2013

Has The Balance Been Tipped?

 The Pale Blue Dot. Home to several species of life, and so far, the only planet known to harbour life. But I fear one species has tipped the balance, and is now threatening not only their own existence, but just about every other species on Earth as well. I'm talking about us. Homo Sapiens. Humans.
   In the thousands and thousands of years since we evolved, it took our species until 1804 to reach the one billion mark in population. It's only taken the past 200 years to reach 7 billion, and the result is frightening, to say the least.
   Oceans are being overfished and polluted to the point where there are serious questions being raised about them being able to continue to harbour life. Maybe not in my lifetime, but if things go unchecked, it could be as little at 2 or 3 hundred years.
   The land is being over farmed as well, and is now (in many parts of the world) producing less crop. It's to the point where rainforests, which supply a vast amount of the oxygen we need to survive are being cut down and burned off at a rate that threatens their viability as well.
   Who can we blame? Ourselves as a whole, not individually. As the dominant species on this planet, we have pushed others to extinction, and still do at an alarming rate, in OUR need to survive. It may not be that far off when counties start warring with each other over arable land, drinkable water and resources.
   So, what's to be done? A "cull" of humanity? A global thermonuclear war? Withholding food to other countries? No to all of those. Part of being human is being humane, and that's the problem. We try to help each other, which in itself is laudable, but we don't seem to count the cost.
   Trying to have populous countries maintain a zero population growth agenda dosen't work. I've stated we can't have a nuclear holocaust, and we sure as shit can't start hunting each other. So, what does that leave? Mother nature. I'm not trying to sound tactless, but I feel what "Humanity" needs to do is let nature take her course. Stop trying to figure out a cure to diseases. They crop up every now and then for a reason. To keep the human population in check. I'm not saying we should re-introduce smallpox, or hit other nations with a new virus just because we can. I'm simply suggesting that nature should be left alone to care for herself.
   If that sounds callous, it's not meant to be. But if we continue being humane and trying to cure everything that comes our way, we may well doom humanity instead.
   'Nuff said.

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