Friday, November 1, 2013

Now That's A Beer. Take Two.

   Just over a year ago, I blogged about the worlds strongest beer (Now That's A Beer October 18, 2012). Armageddon had an alcohol content of 65%. They've been one-upped by this:
   Snake Venom comes in at a whopping 67.5% alcohol. The best part is, they did it to themselves. Brewmeister Brewery in Scotland unveiled the last word in high test beer recently. According to the story I saw, they purposely made Armageddon "oily" to mask the taste of alcohol. Not so with Snake Venom. The alcohol is strong, but not enough to overpower the taste of malt and hops.
   Apparently, they used 2 different yeasts for fermentation, and froze the concoction several times during the process. And this beer is so strong, it even comes with it's own warning label saying people should not consume 35 ml (that's not even an ounce and a half) in one sitting.
   There's 275 ml in each bottle, which goes for 85 buck a pop. And like Armageddon, the brewers say this should be sipped, like a fine single malt scotch, not pounded down like pizza beer.
   Still I kinda wonder how much father this can go. 70% alcohol? I really can't see anything over that. Would I try one? Fuck no. as I said in "Now That's A Beer" I like my liver.
   'Nuff said.

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