Sunday, September 29, 2013

Uhh. Sure, If You Say So

   In Saudi Arabia, a conservative cleric (are there any other kinds?) has come out saying women should not be allowed to drive, because it will damage their ovaries and/or result in them having kids with clinical difficulties. Like what? Becoming a conservative Saudi cleric? Apparently, it's in response to the push in that country to allow women the right to drive. Proponents of female drivers are now calling on the fairer sex to get behind the wheel October 26th in defiance of the "men only" driving law on the books.
   Needless to say, that spawned an immediate response from the powers that be, all of whom seem to have their heads up their dishdasha. Or a camel's ass. They simply shut down the website for the campaign in the entire kingdom. Typical religious knee-jerk reaction from a bunch of misogynists who only like progress when it suits them.
   Quoting the head nut-case "If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards. That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees."
   Bull fucking shit. what about women who are PASSENGERS in the car? The stone-age stone head didn't think of THAT did he? Unless women aren't allowed to be passengers in cars either.
   Unfortunately in that region, women are sometimes, if not mostly, observed as property and not equals, and are seen as a potential challenge (if not an outright threat) to the Saudi way of life. Not all Muslims and followers of Islam are like that. I personally know a few Muslim women who are not only allowed, but urged by their husbands to get behind the wheel. Their husbands have said as much.
   So, on October 26, drive on Saudi women, drive on.
   'Nuff said.

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