Monday, August 12, 2013

What's In A Name Part 2

   A while back, I blogged about an Icelandic girl and her mother who were having trouble with that country's "Official Names" registry. It was because her mom had her christened "Blaer" without checking the registry of approved names first. They went to court and won.
   I knew Iceland and a few other countries had such an odious registry, but not the U.S.A. Well, Tennessee at least. It all stems from a court hearing to decide the last name of a 7 month old boy, after the parents couldn't agree on it. They wanted to call the kid "Messiah DeShawn Martin". The judge ordered the parents to change it to "Martin DeShawn McCullough, saying "messiah" is a title, reserved for Jesus. The judge, apparently a backwoods bible thumper, has thus forced her religious beliefs on the parents, who say they'll appeal. So much for the separation of church and State, huh?
   So, what about any Muslims who move to the area (not that many likely would)? If their son is named Mohammed, will they be forced to change the name? What about Jewish people with a son named Israel? Or a Hispanic with a son named Jesus? Will they also have to change their kid's name?
   The story I saw said there were 762 applications for the NAME Messiah last year in the States. As a devout atheist, I really wonder what the fuck is the judge's problem is. And why SHE decided the name wasn't suitable to anyone else? Sure, some names should probably be banned. Adolf Hitler comes to mind. But for shit sake, put the Big Book Of Thou shalt Not (the bible) down judgy-wudgy, and quit forcing your beliefs on other people!
   'Nuff said

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