Saturday, August 24, 2013

They're Putting Ad's On What Now?

   Yup. Toilet paper. Bog roll. Asswipe. After dinner rolls. Dingleberry removal paper. Call it what you will. A restaurant near Duke University in North Carolina has started using T.P with a QR code on them which allows patrons a "buy one, get one free" dessert coupon, along with ad's for other businesses. And apparently, it works! The owner of the eatery says he's seen people coming out of the rest room with up to 4 1/2 feet of the stuff in their hands. Unused, of course. They've also been taking them up on the "buy one, get one" offer.  I knew a lot of restaurants made up "doggy bags" of your left overs. I didn't know that extended to toilet paper.
   Printing stuff of T.P is nothing new. I've seen everything from crosswords to cartoons on it. But this is one of the first times someone has used it for advertising. At least that I've heard of. In exchange for the ads, the restaurant is using the stuff. Why? Well, one of the inventors of the stuff says: “We supply the toilet paper to venues for free in exchange for demographic information so we can be sure advertisers are targeting who they want." No word on how much they charge for the stuff.
   And they plan to expand as well, to places like theatres and stadiums. This makes a lot of sense as well. Most advertising is nothing but shit anyway, so why not put it on paper and make good use out of it?
   But you almost have to wonder how far this fad will go. I mean, I don't think a lot of women will welcome printed ad's on their "feminine" paper products.
   'Nuff said.

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