Thursday, August 22, 2013

There's Dumb, And Then There's This Guy

   As a law abiding citizen, I think any crime is dumb. Some dumber than others. Then, there are the crooks themselves who can be extremely stupid. We've all heard the tale of the would be crook who tried to shimmy down a chimney, only to get stuck.
   Then, there are the ones who are too dumb to disguise themselves or cover their face at all while committing their crime.. This guy, however, may top the list.
   It seems buddy tried to stick up a gas bar. He told the clerk he had a weapon, and wanted the money. The clerk did something stupid as well.....he didn't hand over any cash. Our would be crook didn't hurt the clerk, simply got in his car and fucked off. Well, until his conscience got the best of him. Instead of lying low, our zero returned to the gas bar to APOLOGIZE to the clerk. Of course, by the time he got back, the cops were there and busted him on the spot.
   Here's hoping the judge takes his remorse into account when it's time to sentence the bozo.
   'Nuff said.

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