Wednesday, August 21, 2013


   And a 25 year old woman in England won't be eating one, or anything else, for a while. That's because she's on a sort of diet. After dislocating her jaw, that is. After just one bite, she dislocated her jaw eating the triple patty hamburger. Topped with pretzels. And candied bacon. That's when she started feeling the pain in her jaw, and found out the day after that it was dislocated when she went to the hospital after it started swelling.
   Did I also mention she has a disorder that can cause frequent joint dislocations? Anyway, the Liverpool Lass is on the mend.....and vows to go back to the restaurant in question for "another bite". No word if the "Jaws of Life" will be on standby. Sorry, I couldn't resist!
   'Nuff said.

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