Thursday, August 15, 2013

Political Correctness Is Running Amok

   Which is why it's time for it to end. Not that it ever will, of course. These days it seems you can't say anything to anyone without causing offense. Or wear what you'd like. At least not without some P.C bozo getting their panties in a knot. There are a couple of examples I'm going to share to make my point. In the States, Nike has had to yank a clothing line with geometrical designs. Not 'cause if you squint you can see an offensive word. Fuck no! The women's running clothes were decorated with a pattern based on Samoan tattoos called pe'a, which are traditionally reserved for men. And someone complained. Typical. As for the items in question, they really are ugly. The tattoo's are, well, tattoo's. And I must admit, they do look better on skin than a clothing line. Still, give me a break.
   In Canada, First Nations people are also in a tizz over a headband. Well, 3 of them are anyway. And that forced the store in question to pull ALL of the headbands. Why? Colored feathers. That's right! Colored feathers. It seems one of the complainants fired off an e-mail to the retailer in question, basically saying the item was offensive because such headbands and headdresses are reserved for chiefs, and is therefore disrespectful. Again, give me a break!
   And if THAT's not enough. there was a story earlier this month about people in Ukraine being pissed off about a toilet bowl cleaner being sold in Germany. Why? Did it look like Ukraine's flag or something?

   Actually, yeah. It kinda did. And that's why the maker had to yank them from sale in Eastern Europe.
   I realize in today's society we do have to watch what we say. Up to a point. I would certainly never use a racist slur toward any group. But that's just about where my political correctness comes to an end.
   In the case of the above mentioned items.....if you don't like them, don't buy them. And if you feel strongly enough about it, don't go back into the store, But quit fucking bitching and whining and forcing your minority views and opinions on others. If I wanted to wear geometric tattoo designed clothing and a headband with feathers to buy a blue and yellow toilet cleaner, that's my choice. I'd look like a complete tool, but it's still MY choice.
   'Nuff said

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