Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Remeber These Folks?

   That May to December couple is, of course, is 24 year old Maygan Sensenberger and her 70 year old hubby, Liberal Senator Rod Zimmer. I've blogged about these 2 in the past, going back to August of last year when May allegedly assaulted hubby on a flight from Winnipeg to Saskatoon. Anyway, it seems the senator is stepping down for "health reasons" before the mandatory retirement age of 75.
   But don't worry folks, they won't be in the poor house for a while yet. Because he served 6 years in the un-elected upper house, he get's a taxpayer funded pension. Plus the pensions he got from the private sector. So Maygan won't have to apply for pogey just yet. Or be out walking the streets either.
   The "health reason" old Roddy boy is listing for his stepping down is several trips to hospital for breathing problems. That may well be the case, but I think there could be a few reasons behind it. Viagra poisoning perhaps? Swelling in a certain area that won't go down? A lack of blood flow to the brain? Only his doctor, and Maygan, know for sure.
   'Nuff said.

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