Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trains vs People: American Style

   Last year, you'll no doubt remember, I kept a running tally of people in Canada who were killed or survived after being hit by trains. The survivors were almost all extremely drunk at the time. The final tally was actually closer than I expected with "trains" winning 7-6.
   From the States comes a tale I thought I'd share about a man who was smacked by a train going more than 177 k/mh (110 mph), and living to talk about it. Our guy was crossing a set of tracks and was hit by the Amtrack express. The impact knocked him some 6 meters (20 FEET) through the air. He's got broken bones, but will survive. This, after the engineer tried blowing the whistle and hitting the brakes. Did I mention the guy was listening to music on headphones at the time?
   The big question, of course, is how the guy survived and wasn't turned into a red splotch on the front of the engine. Someone suggested he was pushed aside by the massive wave of air in front of the locomotive. Possible, I guess.
   Whatever, this guy is one of the luckiest fuckers out there! Maybe he should buy a powerball ticket. Once he gets out of hospital, of course.
   'Nuff said.

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