Monday, August 19, 2013

Mmmmm!!! Donuts!

   And not just any donut, either. Tim Horton's held a public contest to come up with the next great taste in donuts. 63 thousand people entered, and the winner is an Ontario man for his creation: "The Tortoise Torte", which is a mash-up of chocolate, caramel and pecans. Kinda like Turtles chocolates. It beat out creations like "The Oreo Borealis" among others.
   Canadian born actor Jason Priestley was one of the judges in the contest. No word if a bunch of cops "rounded" out the panel.
   And what does the winner get, aside from having his donut on sale? 10 thousand dollars. Sounds chintzy to me, when Tim's stands to make a whack lot more off the sale of this thing. I think it's be better to give the guy the 10 grand, PLUS a slice of profit from the sale as well.
   Now, I have to wait for the Tortoise Torte to make it's way into a Timmy's near me. Waiting. Waiting.......
   'Nuff said.

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