Saturday, August 17, 2013

She Just Won't Go Away

   Yeah, as much as I, and a lot of others, were hoping she'd fade into obscurity, Maygan Sensenberger is back. And once again on screen. The 24 year old wife of  69 year old Rod Zimmer is "starring" in another video. It's called "The Candy Doll", you probably have already worked out.....May is the "doll". A sex doll, to be exact. Surprise, surprise. Type casting at it's best.
   I won't bore you with the details (the vid's on You Tube if you really want to watch it), other than to say I think old Rod's the luckiest 69 year old man on earth right now.
   I also think I know what caused his "health related" problem that lead to his retirement from the Canadian Senate this summer. (See my blog of August 7th "Remember These Folks".) The male "star" of this "film", which is filled with sexual innuendo, gets to do to May what the senator has done.....cop a feel! No wonder the old boy had to be hospitalized with "breathing difficulties". I'm surprised the old guy didn't have a heart attack!
   And don't think she's done with her "acting" career just yet. It seems Maygan s in line for a "starring role" in an upcoming feature film. Yeah, right. I just wonder what "role" she'll be playing this time. Cue the 1970's porn music.
   'Nuff said.


  1. Do you have the link to the video?

    1. Yes. try
