Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Oh, Canada. Eh?

   Quite a bit has been going on in my home and native land lately. First, the RCMP have been involved in a couple of shootings in Alberta. One saw a Mountie use deadly force near the provincial capital of Edmonton after he got in a tussle with 2 men suspected of drunk driving. One man was killed, the other wounded. In the other, a man was wounded in the Rocky Mountains after another confrontation when his car was pulled over. And if that's not enough, the Mounties used a taser on a guy south of Edmonton. He later died.
   On the east coast, 2 kids were killed when a python somehow got out of it's pet shop enclosure and slithered up the stairs to an apartment where the kids were having a sleepover. Seems the snake coiled itself around them, and.....being a constrictor.....did what comes naturally and put on the squeeze. Dead are 2 brothers, ages 7 and 5. The snake is in custody.
   In the heartland, financial woes for this premier:
   Saskatchewan, and premier Brad Wall, have been boasting the past few years about having one of very few balanced budget in the country, thanks largely to non-renewable resources like oil, gas and potash. But the potash industry has taken a hit lately, and the government could be facing a severe shortage in revenue. The province has seen quite a bit of growth in population recently, due mainly to what my spies say is foreign immigration, and people moving in from other parts of Canada.
   There used to be a joke about Saskatchewan that the last person leaving should turn off the lights. I'm wondering if that joke won't come back to haunt them again.
   And now I'm off to do something extremely Canadian.....visit Tim's for a double double and a bag of maple Tim Bits.
   'Nuff said.

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