Friday, August 30, 2013

I'm Back!

   At least for a few days. I have the luxury of being able to commute on weekends, so here I am. And I think I'll look at "celebrities".
   As you know, I don't watch awards shows. I hate the fucking things for several reasons. They're boring as all hell, and I don't know, or give a shit about, who most of the people are. So I didn't see Miley Cyrus' "simulated sex" escapade at the VMA's. Or whatever they're called. Anyway, she got a phony "doggie style" from whoever the other presenter was, then gave herself a crotch massage with a finger. She was dressed, and the finger was one of those giant foam ones you see at sporting events. Well, it seems the man who invented them isn't to pleased with how Miley used it. I just hope she never makes a REAL sex tape.
   Speaking of sex, it seems an admission from Michael Douglas may have cost him his marriage. It seems he and Cathy Zeta-Jones have "taken a marriage hiatus" to "work things out". It wasn't that long ago Mike came out saying performing oral sex on women with the HPV virus may have bee a contributor to his throat cancer. I bet that made Cathy feel real good.
   I'll try and have something a little more substantive tomorrow, but for now:
   'Nuff said.

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