Friday, May 31, 2013

Why? Just, Why?

   The stuff in that bottle could be coming to a liquor store shelf near you soon, and you'd better have eclectic tastes. It's the world's most consumed alcohol and, since it's from China, you can probably understand why. The official name is baijiu, but it's most often to referred to as Chinese firewater and is sold pretty much across Asia.
   So what? It looks like Vodka or Everclear, and while it doesn't have the punch of the latter, it does have it's own unique characteristic. The 110 proof booze, some say, tastes like paint thinner, and drinking it is something akin to a liquid lobotomy. And why is China so keen to sell their booze here? Well, it seems young people in that country have developed a taste for imported booze. Things like Glenfiddich 12 year old scotch.
   And already, people are looking for ways to market it. Some suggest having it with a Chinese meal, something like Sake is to Japanese cuisine. Others are simply re-filtering it to make it more drinkable.
   What's it made of? What crop becomes the basis for this stuff? Either sorghum or glutinous rice.
   Will I try it if it comes to my area? Fuck no. I like my liver! And anything that tastes like paint thinner should probably be used for just that. Thinning paint.
   'Nuff said.

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