Monday, May 13, 2013

Flying Car My Ass

   The Jetsons. I remember growing up watching that cartoon, dreaming of the day we'd all have a flying car. Back in the '60's, it was thought it would simply be a matter of time before we all jetted to work or the store. No more traffic jams, no congestion, nothing.
   Well, in British Columbia, the dream literally fell from the sky recently. A flying car crashed near a schoolyard, slightly injuring the 2 people on board the craft. And technically, while it DID fly, it should be classed more as a 2 passenger motorized para-glider. This thing was about the size of a dune buggy, and instead of wings, it used a para-sail for lift. It does have an aircraft motor and a propeller. Made in Florida, the proper term for the contraption is the I-Tech Maverick SP Powered Parachute.
   Not really close to a flying car, and no where near what the Jetsons used. Some 50 or so years after the fact, I'm still waiting for the flying car. And the personal jet-pack we were also promised. And the robot butler too, for that matter.
   So, until a proper, practical, cost effective flying car with wings and a jet engine is developed, I'll continue getting stuck in traffic jams in my car. And I have a feeling I'll be doing that for a long, long time.
   'Nuff said.

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