Thursday, May 9, 2013

PeTA Strikes Yet Again

   Yup! The Persistent Eco-Terrorist Assholes (PeTA  for short) have struck again. And this time, the retards, dressed in giant condoms, took to the streets in a few city's trying to get us all to spay or neuter our pets. Why use condoms? Well, it seems they've figured out cats and dogs either can't or won't wear them when they do the dirty, and claim it's leading to overpopulation and needless deaths, and the only way to prevent them is getting Fido or Fluffy fixed. What fuckin brainiac figured that out?
   Anyway, it seems 2 of them, one in a giant pink condom, the other in a giant blue one, took to the streets to try and make their point. To bad someone didn't tie off the opening of the damn things and let them suffocate. And yes, I can criticize because my cats have been fixed. And if it's unwanted animals they're trying to prevent, maybe we should have all PeTA members spayed and neutered to prevent them from breeding.
   'Nuff said

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