Wednesday, May 29, 2013

She Was Really Bugged!

   When I was (much) younger, a bunch of friends and myself would sometimes get up to no good. Every now and then, we'd find a neighborhood we weren't known in and start playing "running rabbit". It's also called "ring and run", where each member of the group, in turns, would walk up to a different door, ring the door bell, then scamper as fast as our little legs could take us. Hopefully before the owner got to the door and opened it. Of course, we'd peer around a hedge or fence and hopefully see the reaction. Silly, really, when you look back on it.
   In Germany recently, an elderly woman was the victim of a seemingly endless game of "running rabbit". In fact, the 75 year old Offenburg woman was so bugged by the incessant ringing of her doorbell, that at 3:00 a.m she called the cops to complain. When the Polizei arrived, they investigated and found the little buggers responsible.
   Maybe, that should just be "bugs".
   Yup! Ants. Or in German "Ameise" had built a nest in her wall, so close to the door bell, it went off just about every time something in the hive moved. A few minutes work with a knife, police had the nest taken care of, and the woman could get back to sleep.
   And as for kids playing "running rabbit" on me.....well, it doesn't work. Usually if I hear the bell, by the time I get out of my office in the basement, whoever it was has gone. Which isn't a bad thing, since the majority of the time is a politician looking for support. Or some religious fool looking for a convert. I have a way to get rid of the latter, and I'll tell you sometime in the future. But for now:
   'Nuff said.

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