Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Angelina Jolie Did What!!!???..UPDATE

   I was happily belting down our local expressway listening to the local news this morning, and damn near had an accident when I heard this. Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy. After avoiding the ditch, and several other cars, I also heard the news guy say it was a preventative move. It seems her mom died of breast cancer, and there was an 87% chance the 37 year old Jolie would also develop it. So, in a 3 month long procedure, she had both breasts removed and reconstructed.
   That takes a lot of courage. More than I think I'd have if my quack suddenly told me I had a good chance of developing testicular cancer. I don't know what my decision would be.
   And for Angelina: Your courage in taking this drastic step should be an inspiration to anyone who faces a similar diagnosis.
   'Nuff said.

   *****UPDATE: It seems Angelina isn't through with cancer preventative surgery. It seems she's also having her ovaries removed due to the risk. Is she going too far? Jury's out on that now..*****

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