Thursday, May 16, 2013

They're Running Out Of What??

   Yup! Toilet paper, bog roll, ass wipe, TP, after dinner rolls, whatever you want to call it, Venezuela is running short of one of the necessities of life. The country has already seen shortages of things like milk, coffee and butter. And now toilet paper. In fact, they've had to import 50 MILLION rolls of shit wipe. And needless to say, the socialist government is blaming the opposition for the shortage of Charmin. Like what? They're stockpiling it? Hording for a rainy day? They also blame "excessive demand". Like people were having too many burrito and beer nights?
   A spokesman goes on to say a lack of foreign currency has resulted in the suspension of imports of raw material etc. Maybe people were having to use the foreign money to try and get rid of  their dingleberries.
   Things are so bad, some people have gone without for 2 weeks! That's one shit of a long time to be using the daily newspaper. Or bills for that matter.
   So, they're importing 760 tons of food, and will "flood the market" with toilet paper, which should (a spokesman claims) "calm the people down". For shit sake, I hope so!
   'Nuff said.

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