Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day Mayhem

   It is the first of May today, and I've got a few things on the Ratbag radar.
   Seem the bishop of Pittsburgh isn't too happy with a stunt pulled by a college co-ed. Maybe pulled down would be a better way of putting it. Seems the young woman marched bottomless and passed out condoms on campus. Did I mention she was dressed up like the pope? It appears this happened during a parade by arts students (go figure), and the student had also had a new hairstyle. No, not there. Think downward a few feet. Yup! The pubes. And it wasn't a Brazilian either. It seems she had the area shaved in the shape of a cross! Knowing how irritated the face gets after a shave, I just hope she used a balm or something afterward. If not, she might have felt a different religious experience known as "the burning bush". I can understand (sort of) why that would upset the bishop. If you believe everything you hear in the news it seems most catholic clergy prefer bottomless altar boys.
   From the bottom to the top: In Texas a federal judge has tossed out a challenge by several strip clubs over a requirement that their "dancers" wear an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny bikini top, rather than the customary pasties. It seems a local ordnance means the regulation can be applied to clubs not defined as "sexually oriented". But really, what's the point? If the clubs lose their challenge, business might dry up when patrons realize they can see a lot more skin in the latest S.I swimsuit edition. Or the Sears catalogue.
   Finally, a big Happy Anniversary to this guy:
   Yup! It was 2 years ago tomorrow, U.S Navy SEAL team 6 cancelled Osama Bin Laden's membership in the human race, tossing his stinking carcass into the ocean afterward to be turned into fish shit. By this time, I'm thinking the ocean going bottom feeders have probably turned that fish shit into more fish shit! Happy Anni, Osama!
   'Nuff said

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