Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tragic. Just Tragic.

   In rural Kentucky recently, there was a tragedy when a girl was shot and killed. By her own brother. It seems the boy had received a .22 calibre rifle for his birthday. What makes this especially tragic is the boy was 5...and his sister was just 2. The kids mother was home at the time, and says she had just stepped out of the family home minutes before the shooting. It seems the lad found the gun in what was supposed to have been a safe spot. And it was loaded.
   Police are still investigating, but they say it looks like nothing more than a tragic accident.
   The question I have is simply this. Who in their right mind gives a 5 year old boy a .22 rifle? When I was 5, I had a hard time getting my folks to allow me to have a cap gun, let alone the real thing. And any parent should know there is no such thing as a "safe place" for guns. And even if they told the kid umpteen dozen time that the gun can hurt people, you have to wonder if it sank in at all.
   Still, there is no denying this is a tragedy, and condolences to the family.
   'Nuff said

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